GCSE Practice Papers
A series of 12 Practice Papers for you to use while you're revising for your exams.
Based on the AQA GCSE Physics specification
Ideal for students aiming for grades 7 - 9
Paper 1H and Paper 2H specific
120 brand-new questions written by experts
Written worked solution included for each answer
Video explanations for every question

Used them with Yr11 last year, the most Grade 9’s we’ve ever had in GCSE Physics!
The practice papers were key in our exam prep. Having access to so many higher demand questions with a walkthrough video was definitely a game changer - Our students were able to approach challenging practice, with support, at any time, this really did make all the difference.
B McKinnon, Assistant Head Teacher, St Peter's School
Step 1 - Download The Paper
Head to the Physics Online shop. Buy the Practice Papers you need for your revision.
Step 2 - Check Your Email
The Practice Papers are a digital product. They will be emailed to you as soon as make your purchase so you can use them instantly (don’t forget to check your junk folder in case they end up in there).
Step 3 - Complete the Practice Paper
Each exam paper has three sections:

Question Paper

Mark Scheme

Worked Solutions
I recommend printing out the questions so you can write on the paper. Then view the mark scheme and worked solutions on your laptop/tablet/mobile as you mark your work.
Step 4 - Review Your Answers
If you have a Premium Plan or a School Subscription you can watch a video where all the answers are explained in greater detail and tips for your exam are shared.
Step 5 - Feel Confident
Head into your real exams knowing you have thoroughly prepared and revised for your exams.
Learn More
Download a sample Practice Paper and keep on track of you success with this handy Progress Tracker.
These exam questions put together by Lewis are an absolutely fantastic resource to help my GCSE students practice their skills and further develop their knowledge and understanding.
The effort he has put into making these papers is phenomenal, and they will be absolutely invaluable to any student preparing for GCSE Physics exams.
Dr Moore, Head of Physics, Alleyn's School

Frequently Asked Questions
Who are these papers for?
These papers have been written for students who are:
Sitting AQA GCSE Physics Exams
Taking three Science GCSEs (sometimes called Triple Science / Separate Science)
Aiming for Grades 7 to 9
Can they be used by students sitting AQA Combined Trilogy Exams?
Of course. Just check with your specification which questions are about topics you will be assessed on.
Can they be used by students who are not aiming for a Grade 7 – 9?
Yes, although the papers are aimed at Higher Tier students aiming for the top grades. They can help any student who is wanting to revise and achieve their highest possible grade.
Can they be used by students sitting other exam boards?
They can be. The specification for OCR and Edexcel GCSEs are very similar and 90% of the questions will be suitable for you. Likewise, IGCSE and other GSCE students will find these questions useful – but do check with your specification as you’re answering the questions to confirm the topic will be assessed in your real exams.
Do these papers predict the questions that will come up in the real exam?
No. It is impossible to predict exactly what will come up in your actual exams, but these papers include questions about all the main topic areas in the AQA GCSE Physics specification.
By completing all six papers for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 you will be very well prepared for everything that comes up in your real exam.
How do I purchase the papers?
They can all be found in my online shop. They are a digital product, so once you’ve purchased your Practice Papers they will be emailed to you with a link for you to download them.
Should I buy the Individual or Teacher version in the shop?
If you are a student or parent/carer buying a paper to be used by one individual person then purchase an Individual version.
If you’re a teacher, tutor, technician or similar and are buying to use with multiple students or a class then buy the Teacher version. It’s a one-off payment and once you have the papers, your school can use them for many years and print off as many copies as your need.
Please do not share with other institutions or publish in the public domain.
Why are they called Alpha , Beta etc?
These are the first six letters of the Greek alphabet and are simply to signify that there are six different versions of each paper that have been produced.
If I’m still unsure about one of the answers, what can I do?
After you’ve marked your work with the mark scheme have a look at my worked solutions that are included with the paper. You can watch a full video explanation if you have a Premium Plan or a School Subscription for this website.
This page includes links to extra videos and resources that explain the physics topics included on that paper – everything you need to fully understand that topic!
Did you write all of the questions?
I worked with a team of amazing people to develop this product. This included experienced Heads of Physics, senior examiners who mark exams, and even people who work for AQA designing real science exam papers.
Joe Cattermole and Rufus Jones both work for Physics Online Ltd and have spent tireless hours formatting and checking the Practice Papers to make them as good as they can possibly be.