Isaac Physics
Isaac Physics is a project designed to offer support and physics problem solving to teachers and students from Year 7 through to university.
The best way to improve your grade in your final exams is to practice as many questions as possible so you become confident with the underlying physics. It takes time but if you continue to practise you will master it!
There is a website that has thousands of questions for you to answer online. You can create a free account so you can record your progress (and even share this with your teachers).
It is a project run by the University of Cambridge and supported by the Ogden Trust with the aim of developing the problem solving ability of students from GCSE to A Level (and beyond).

Isaac Physics on this Website
Questions suitable for GCSE have been selected that allow you to work through the concepts discussed in the videos.

Every time you see the Isaac Physics logo at the top of a page you can click on it to view the questions.
This takes you to a new tab with a 'Game Board'. You can then work through your answers - making sure that you show your working out.
You will find many of the questions straightforward, but there are some which can seem quite challenging at first.
Don't forget that I have videos on this site that you can watch to remind you of the new physics knowledge, as well as worked examples where I show an approach to problems.
There are also videos I made available on the Isaac Physics website - just click on 'Hint 2' to watch these.
Isaac Physics GCSE Game Boards
Isaac Physics FAQs
Do you work for Isaac Physics?No - but I have done some work for them in the past. This included producing over nintey short videos to support all the chapters in the 'Mastering Essential GCSE Physics Book'. The reason I have made these Game Boards and linked to them from this website is that I honestly believe it is a great resource and something that more GCSE students should be aware of and using. I have used it with my own students while teaching both GCSE and A Level resulting in high grades for those who persevered.
Do I need to get their GCSE book?If your can get access to the book then this would be incredibly useful but it is not essential. All the questions from the book are available for free online.
How much is a book?You can buy the books direct from Isaac Physics from as little at £1 each plus postage. The project is funded by the Department for Education in England and they subsidise the costs.
Why are there questions in the book that you haven't selected?I found that some of the questions in the book are about topics that you may not be learning about at GCSE for your exam board so I selected what I felt were the ones that would be most useful for you to complete. If you would like to have a go at the other questions available in the book then you can select any of these on the website and work through these at your own pace. Don't forget there are videos to support every chapter under 'Hint 2' beside each question.
Why do I need to use the correct number of significant figures?This is an important skill to learn and you will soon get the hang of it. You will have noticed in my worked solutions throughout this site I always give my final answer to the least number of significant figures in the question. If you're unsure then find out more about significant figures here.
Where are the answers?There are no answers! Although this may seem incredibly frustrating at times the idea is that you persevere until you ultimately get the correct answer - just like when you're playing a computer game you feel so much more elated when you complete a hard level in the game.
How do I make an account at Isaac Physics?Simply follow the instructions on the Isaac Physics website. With an account you can keep track of your progress and, if your teachers are setting work on Isaac Physics at school, then you can complete the assignments they set. It's worth doing!
Access the Isaac Physics website here: